CAL FIRE Foresters and Firefighters
CAL FIRE foresters and firefighters at Region, Unit, Division, and Battalion levels are available to help residents in the development and planning for fire safe projects. However, during the fire season there may be limited staff availability at all levels, during the winter months CAL FIRE staff is a great resource.
The County of Sonoma
The County of Sonoma, in particular Sonoma County Fire and Emergency Services, has been a stakeholder in Fire Safe Sonoma since its creation. We have worked collaboratively with “County Fire” on many projects and programs. County Fire has long been an advocate for Fire Safe Sonoma and has proved to be a fantastic resource for us and that relationship grows stronger every day.
Santa Rosa Fire Department
Fire Safe Sonoma and the Santa Rosa Fire Department (SRFD) work together to enhance wildfire preparedness, promote community resilience, and ensure the safety of residents in Santa Rosa and the broader Sonoma County area. Fire Safe Sonoma occasionally works out of SRFD Headquarters and has a member of the SRFD on our Board.
Sonoma County Fire Chief’s Association
Our local fire agencies are concerned about wildland fire risks in their response areas, and will be pleased to know that residents in their area are attempting to make their homes more fire safe. Local fire departments have a very clear understanding of issues in area neighborhoods and sharing information with local agencies is mutually beneficial. Give your local fire department a call or attend their special events and get to know them.
The California Fire Safe Council
The statewide California Fire Safe Council (CFSC), is a nonprofit organization and member of the California Fire Alliance, and consists of public and private organizations. The CFSC’s mission is to preserve and enhance California’s human made and natural resources by fostering wildfire protection. The CFSC accomplishes its mission through public education programs and by funding local fire safety projects. The CFSC distributes fire prevention education, evaluates legislation pertaining to fire safety, and assists local organizations to initiate fire safety programs. The CSFC has funded five projects for Fire Safe Sonoma, including the Sonoma County CWPP.
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
PG&E must inspect all the power transmission lines in the county yearly and maintain them clear of vegetation. PG&E is committed to reducing the number of outages and wildfires caused by vegetation. PG&E is always ready and willing to provide grant funds to organizations like Fire Safe Sonoma for vegetation management and educational projects.
NFPA Firewise USA
The national Firewise USA recognition program provides a collaborative framework to help neighbors in a geographic area get organized, find direction, and take action to increase the ignition resistance of their homes and community and to reduce wildfire risks at the local level.
Other Partners
Other Fire Safe Councils
The Sea Ranch Fire Safe Council, the Mayacamas Fire Safe Council, the Camp Meeker Fire Safe Council and others, which act at a neighborhood or community level, make great strides in increasing local awareness of wildfire issues and serve to focus attention on issues in their area. Fire Free Fitch, formed in 2007 by one person concerned about wildfire issues in her neighborhood has made great strides. They have organized emergency planning, held numerous educational workshops, and launched multiple chipper programs. The formation of local fire safe councils across the county will be tremendously helpful in coordinating projects and several communities have expressed an interest in forming one. If you are interested in forming a Fire Safe Council in your neighborhood, please contact Fire Safe Sonoma.