This is a FireWise Presentation Fire Safe Sonoma delivered to provide information and guidance for neighborhoods and communities desiring to become Firewise-recognized. In this presentation we describe how Fire Safe Sonoma can help with the following:

  • Help your committee and organizers through the Firewise USA steps and application.
  • Liaison with fire agency partners along your path to Firewise accreditation.
  • Provide guidance and useful tools to help with completing the community risk assessment.
  • Aid in identifying and memorializing the initial home investment required to become accredited.
  • Offer workshops and presentation options to help communities meet the Firewise USA education outreach requirements.
  • Help with developing and/or identifying worthwhile projects for your community’s multi-year plan.



The California Insurance Commissioner’s Office is making some remarkable moves lately and has created a pathway to lower insurance premiums in a program they call Safer from Wildfires in 1, 2, 3. This program essentially establishes a way for insurance companies to offer financial incentives to homeowners who harden their homes, create and maintain defensible space, and are part of a “Firewise USA community in good standing.”

Moreover, the Firewise USA program is a part of California’s efforts to ensure communities are prepared against wildfire, through the CAL FIRE Office of the State Fire Marshal’s Community Wildfire Preparedness & Mitigation Division.

View the Presentation on our YoouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/K0f0hfudHmI 

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