Our Mission
Mission Statement…
History of Fire Safe Sonoma
Fire Safe Sonoma is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to increase awareness of wildfire issues in our county and help local residents and firefighting agencies to achieve improved wildfire safety. Formed in 1998, Fire Safe Sonoma has been instrumental in helping to educate residents about wildfire prevention and safety, especially through distribution of their publications Living with Fire in Sonoma County and “Ready, Set, Go.” Fire Safe Sonoma acts as a liaison between local communities and agencies, actively seeks grant funding for wildfire related projects, and manages grant programs.
Over the past two decades, Fire Safe Sonoma has managed over $2 million in grant-funded projects including the first Sonoma County curbside chipper program and the first Sonoma County Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
Our Board
The board of Fire Safe Sonoma is comprised of members with over a century of expertise in wildland fire safety. The Board President, Roberta MacIntyre, has over 35 years of fire service experience and served as the Sonoma County Fire Marshal for 7 years. The board VP, Vern Losh, has spent most of his adult life in the fire service, has served as the Sonoma County Fire Chief and currently is a fire safety consultant. The Board Secretary/Treasurer, Ken Hite, has a long history of work with non-profits and is an expert in business operations and finance.
Other members of our board include Geoff Peters of North County CERT; Marshall Turbeville, a CAL FIRE Battalion Chief and the Chief of Geyserville FPD; Paul Lowenthal, the Fire Marshal for the Santa Rosa Fire Department; Linda Collister, the Fire Marshal for the City of Healdsburg, Molly Jean Curley O’ Brien of Rebuild North Bay, Anais Morris of Living Systems Alliance and Tara Cornelisse, of Conservation Corps North Bay.
Organizational Documents
In the interest of transparency, we provide the following documents for public review:
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